Where Did She Go?

Sixty-five is approaching quickly which has made me pause and look back on my life. I have a good life and over the years have had few regrets. The one question I do ask myself is "where did that young woman go?"

The younger woman had many dreams, goals and ambitions, excited about life, fun and carefree. Dreaming of adventures that she would embark on when stepping out on her own, she was willing to take risks to get there.

In her mind were visions of traveling the world, and becoming a famous writer or photographer. With a heart filled with joy and wonder, she would share her experiences with everyone so they could imagine being in all of the places she had been.

Along the way, life got in the way, and these dreams and adventures ended up at the end of the list. Adulthood brought work, marriage and children, and somehow she got lost; lost amongst all the daily tasks and routines; lost amongst all that she did to care for those she loved.

Prior to this some of my own fears kept me from pursuing my dreams. Venturing out on my own as a young woman brought trepidation of what might await me out in that big open world. Fear of the unknown and fear of failure can stifle even the bravest of souls. Young women growing up in the sixties were rarely encouraged to venture out on their own to see the world; they were more likely to be told how dangerous it could be.

I don't regret the path I have taken. So far it's been a life filled with many joys and great memories. I couldn't imagine a life without my children and grandchildren, and am extremely fortunate to have a wonderful family and great friends. Even the tough times and losses have taught me great lessons and given me strength.

I do feel a sadness at times for that young woman who didn't follow her heart so many years ago. However, those dreams of youth are not gone, nor are they forgotten; they were just put in the back corner of her mind so she could reach in and take them out to pursue later in life. A few have come to fruition, and maybe in time others will follow.

No matter how many years have passed, it's never too late to dream.


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