Sometimes You Need to Leave Home

If you are a type A personality, which I am, it's difficult to stop and do nothing. There is always some task that we feel compelled to complete; once done, we find another on our to do list.

The only way that some of us will relax, and savor what life brings into our day, is to leave home. Yesterday was one of those days.

My daughter and granddaughter came to visit and we went to Hampton Beach to soak up some sun, and to look at the entries for the annual sand sculpture competition. We couldn't have asked for a better day with blue skies, bright sunshine and an offshore breeze.

After dipping my feet into the cold waves rushing ashore, and watching my granddaughter play for a bit, I retreated to my beach chair. In spite of all the chatter from the other beachgoers, I found much peace and solitude.

People watching is one of my favorite things to do at the beach. Such a variety from the loners, to families, to groups of teens; all absorbed in their own little world. Sun worshipers who spend hours baking in the sun, teenage girls taking selfies and the boys tossing balls, and young children having the time of their life running in and out of the waves. Their joyous screams can soften even the toughest heart and make you smile.

This is the first year I have made it over to see the sand sculptures. Although they are impressive when seen on the news, it doesn't compare to standing in front of them. There are definitely some very talented people spending many hours to complete their creations.

Back in my chair I languished in solitude, which gave me time to contemplate my life; where I am vs where I imagined I'd be at this point, and where I want to be a year from now. How we envision things is not always how things turn out. Lofty goals and aspirations sometimes get tempered with reality, and that's okay. We make adjustments and create a new plan for what's to come.

I am grateful I had the opportunity to leave home for a few hours to escape the everyday routine. There was precious time with my daughter and granddaughter, and an opportunity to do a little curious observation on my fellow human beings.

Most of all I had peace and solitude to reflect and give thanks for a wonderful life. Perhaps I should leave home more often.


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