Laughter - noun: The action or sound of laughing; an expression or appearance of merriment or amusement. Synonyms - belly laugh, cackle, chuckle, giggle, guffaw, horselaugh, snicker, hee-haw.
It has become clear to me that people don't laugh enough today; at least not the hearty kind of laughter that makes us feel good. We have fallen into routines where we allow daily stress to dominate our days. Is it any wonder we feel unhappy so often?
They say that laughter is the best medicine, and as it turns out, there is some scientific truth to this. Per research by Dr. Lee Berk and Dr. Stanley Tan at Loma Linda University in California, laughter leads to benefits such as:
It has become clear to me that people don't laugh enough today; at least not the hearty kind of laughter that makes us feel good. We have fallen into routines where we allow daily stress to dominate our days. Is it any wonder we feel unhappy so often?
They say that laughter is the best medicine, and as it turns out, there is some scientific truth to this. Per research by Dr. Lee Berk and Dr. Stanley Tan at Loma Linda University in California, laughter leads to benefits such as:
- Reducing stress hormones
- Working our abs
- Boosting T-cells
- Lowering blood pressure
Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increased blood flow which can help to protect us from a heart attack. It can also temporarily relieve pain, and it burns calories. Another bonus to laughter - it has been shown to increase memory, intelligence and creativity.
We have all heard that it takes fewer muscles to smile than it does to frown. Although it's difficult to determine if this is true, a smile certainly lightens our mood. When we laugh endorphins are released that can promote a sense of well-being. This can bring people together and establish connections; something the world is in dire need of today.
There is nothing better than experiencing laughter that comes deep from within our belly; the type where we throw back our heads and our whole body trembles with delight. As children we laugh easily and often. Nothing seems to hold us back from laughing at the simplest, silly things. Unencumbered by adult responsibilities we are free to see the humor that surrounds us every day.
Watching children during laughter filled play always brings a smile to our face. Perhaps instead of just watching children in the midst of joyous laughter, we should cast away what holds us back and join in; allow ourselves to laugh with abandon and let our souls dance.
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