What Brings You Joy?

A I write this it's a gray and rainy day; one that makes work, household chores, errands, financial worries, health issues and more feel like a heavy weight. When we're in the midst of this it's difficult to rise above it all, and even harder to find our joy.

With everything that comes at us today we feel more stress than the generations before us. I'm not saying that they were without stress, but they were not confronted by millions of images and sounds as we are today. It can be nearly impossible to shut it all out; to surround ourselves in silence to think.

There are times I envy those who lived without computers, cell phones and television with over 200 channels. How nice it must have been to live each day without those distractions; to have time to do something that brought them joy. People today don't take time to find out what that is, or to indulge in it once they discover it.

Being over 60, I do know the things that bring me joy; reading, writing, cooking, baking, gardening and time with family and good friends. However, I am just as guilty as anyone when it comes to allowing time for it.

When I do allow myself time for something that brings joy into my life, a sense of peace comes over me. When there is peace the stress dissipates which makes me keenly aware that there should always be time for that which brings us joy.

If you don't know what brings you joy, you need to explore, contemplate and meditate to discover what that is. Whether it ends up being one thing or many things, you need to allow yourself time to indulge; find your inner peace.

When we allow time to do things that bring us joy, our lives become less stressful and we begin to feel more happiness. Like rays of sunshine it flows into those around us.

Find your joy and spread happiness far and wide!


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