A Bit of Garden Envy

Spring has truly arrived, and we're finally able to enjoy some sunshine and warmer temperatures. Feels like it has taken forever to get here.

It has been a pleasure over the past month or so to have a glimpse of what's to come from friends and acquaintances in the more southern areas. Having said that, I must admit that it has created garden envy; the photos of their flowers in bloom have been only a vision in my mind here.

Green leaves have sprouted on the trees and created a thick canopy for birds to hide their nests. They dart in and out bringing nourishment to their new offspring, and the air is filled with beautiful melodies.

A break in the spring rains last week afforded me the opportunity to turn over the flower bed and put out the bird baths for their enjoyment. The chives are flourishing and will soon have flowers for the bees to begin collecting pollen.

Feeling secure about the warmer weather remaining, I made a trip to the local garden center. After weeks of creating a vision of my flower bed I knew exactly what I wanted. Unfortunately, my vision was not to be as some things were out of stock.

Such a disappointment! What to do? There were a few moments of lamenting before I realized it was a sign that my flower bed was ready for a change.

With a little bit of knowledgeable guidance, I was able to select my plants; Snapdragons, SunPatiens, New guinea Impatiens, Wax Begonias, and Osteospermum (African Daisy). When in full bloom the red, pink, orange, yellow and white flowers will be a magnificent complement to the wildflowers surrounding the bird bath.

As I carefully place each plant in the ground, I will see the beauty to come, smell the fragrant aromas, and hear the bees as they buzz from flower to flower. There will be no more garden envy; only my soul filled with joy.


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