We Should Mirror the Innocent Behavior of Children

Children are born innocent, and come with no preconceived ideas of jealousy, distrust or hatred. Children arrive in this world with love, acceptance and a wide-eyed curiosity of the world; eager to greet new people with an open heart and accept them as their equal - no more and no less. Unfortunately, as they grow and are exposed to the negative ideas and feelings of the adults they encounter, their innocent views are torn apart. They are not born with hatred and jealousy in their hearts; these are things that are taught. Even if only one child lived in a home filled with this behavior, it would be just a short time before it spread to their peers. When we observe young children, who have been taught acceptance and kindness, we can see the innocence that still remains. They have no fear of someone who may be different than they are and are truly happy to welcome them as a friend. They have trust, which spreads just as quickly as the negative; only the good behavior makes for a much...