A Single Act of Kindness

With all the negative stories and images being spread through the news and social media, it's difficult at times to see beyond it. A sense of hopelessness can take over if we don't seek out all the positive and uplifting stories taking place every day. Instead of being caught up in the negative rhetoric, we need to say no and shut it off. It can only spread if we participate; even if it's only by watching.

A change in attitude can start with one single act of kindness. Most of us are not unwilling to do for others, but sometimes feel we don't have the time or financial resources to do so. In reality, it doesn't necessarily have to take a lot of either to do a good deed.

If you have time to volunteer, or the financial resources to donate, then share those with others. However, if you are overwhelmed with a busy schedule, and don't have the money to give, there are many other things you can do.
  1. Smile and say hello to a stranger, and wish them a good day.
  2. Hold the door open for someone.
  3. Take a few minutes to call or stop in to see an elderly neighbor who is alone.
  4. Bring a cup of coffee to a co-worker.
  5. Write a letter or send a card to a friend you have not seen in a long time.
  6. Bring a few canned goods to a food bank.
  7. Donate clothing you no longer use.
  8. If you are going to the park or beach with your children, take a child who never gets to go to these places.
  9. When you are cooking a casserole, make two and bring one to a local soup kitchen.
  10. Remain positive in the midst of those who are not.
Perhaps if we do one positive thing each day for someone else, eventually they will do the same. Paying it forward can become second nature if we start with one single act of kindness.

To see how one small gesture can make a difference, open the link below to see a story from CBS news:


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