The Joy of Nature

As I get older it's the small things that bring me joy. With warmer weather I am truly enjoying the awakening of nature with her beauty and sounds.

Early in the morning, or lying in bed at night, listening to the haunting call of my Loons is something I wait all winter to hear. If you have never had the opportunity to hear this you should - there is nothing else like it, and I can't explain just how much it reaches deep into my soul. Being fortunate enough to watch a Bald Eagle fly over the lake from time to time - so beautiful and majestic. We are not sure where it's nesting, but feel blessed to have him on our lake.

On my early morning walk the only sights and sounds were those of nature. Out on the lake there was one boat in the deeper waters with a lone fisherman enjoying his solitude. The lake's only sound was that of the gentle waves as they came up against the shore. The birds were all awake and I could hear their chatter as they started their day. I may not know one bird's song from another but the music is beautiful. I smile as they chase one another through the air.

This year a bird bath was added to my flower bed. The first time we saw a bird enjoying the new found treasure we both smiled and chuckled. Watching him dip into the water and then rise up and flutter his wings to whisk it away and dry off was a sight to see. It has become a spot they all love and every now and then I see one bird chase another away.

In the back yard the entrance to a chipmunk's home sits at the end of my Cleome bed. It's hysterical to watch him run around the yard and fend off the other chipmunks - all I can think of is Alvin and the Chipmunks from my childhood. The other morning I looked out the window and the chipmunks were running around him as he was checking on the garden - they didn't care that he was there. I couldn't stop laughing.

Then there are the hummingbirds that come to the feeder. I am always in awe of these tiny creatures and how rapidly they flap their wings as they hover to get a taste of the sweet nectar. In view and then suddenly gone, so silent you have to watch for them or you will miss the show.

Of course there are the bees who love my flower bed, flowering sage and chives. This will be a great year for them as there are so many blossoms for them to choose from. The sage plant is so big and full of buds starting to flower that they will be in heaven. As always I work along side them listening as they buzz from one flower to another. I find the sound very calming.

The sights and sounds of nature. These are the simple things that bring peace to my soul and joy to my days. Be sure to take the time to slow down long enough to watch and listen.


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