Arriving Soon - Spring!

Overall we have had an extremely mild winter here in the Northeast. Almost nonexistent snowfall and very few bitter cold days. I have never seen a winter like this in my entire life.

Although it has been mild, it is still winter. Shorter daylight hours and no leaves on the trees. Lacking in light and color, which in turn leads to a lack of energy.

Now that we have entered March there is anticipation and hope of what is arriving soon. The daylight hours have begun to stretch later into the day, and Daylight Savings time will be here in another week. Having the extra hours of sunlight seems to invigorate the body and soul.

Each year, like a miracle, the sun shines longer, brighter and higher in the sky. As if the days are being touched by the angels. With the extended light and warmth comes a renewed sense of energy that makes me anxious to become reacquainted with the earth.

My flower bed has started showing signs of what's to come. I yearn to have my hands in the dirt planting an array of colorful flowers. A display that shouts "look at me" to those who pass by.

To feel the good tired in my bones from cleaning up and planting the vegetable garden. Waiting for the time to arrive where I can once again work in harmony with the bees. Watching as they pollinate, allowing us to reap the rewards of what the plants will offer later in the summer months.

It's a wonderful feeling knowing what lies ahead. It need not rush in, as half the joy is anticipating what's to come. And once here it must be savored and clung to for as long as possible, as it fuels our body and soul. For as we all know - the season never lasts long enough.


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