Intolerance and Hatred - Not the American Way

This morning I was looking back on the many blogs that I have written over the past several years and came upon this. With all that is playing out in our political arena today it seems as timely a piece now as it was then. I feel that it is worth a re-post, and hope that it will be shared with your family, friends, and especially the politicians looking for our votes: It is very disconcerting to see the growing intolerance and hatred in our country over the last several years. Not only because someone is different than you, but because their views of politics or religion do not align with what you believe. It seems that even if you do not agree with someone over religion or politics it is now acceptable for them to demonize your beliefs or views. When did this become acceptable behavior? Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs, and nobody has the right to tell you that yours are wrong. Or to portray someone as...