Snake Oil

In a very few days another year will have passed, and I will turn 61. There are those who tell me I look good for my age, and I always tell them that I thank my mother every day for the gene pool I come from. The reality is, when I look in the mirror I see the lines that were not there a year ago. And, as my sister would say, "Do we look good for our age? Yes, but we look our age." She is right - the majority of us look our age, and our gene pool plays a big role in whether we age faster or more slowly than others. If you watch television you have seen the never ending commercials for the numerous facial products that supposedly slow down or reduce the signs of aging. Many of these are done by actresses who lead you to believe that you can look as youthful as they do just by using their product, which will cost you a fortune if used as suggested. Years ago they would have called them snake oil salesmen. I feel they are insulting our intelligence to think we beli...