Turning Off

With the advancements in technology and the ability to be connected at all times, we have forgotten the value of totally turning ourselves off. This inability to disconnect is not healthy for us or for our family.

When we are continually stimulating our brain and not giving it down time - it is no wonder that people are exhausted. And it isn't just excessive bombardment form our techie gadgets. The constant running from work or school to a multitude of social commitments is enough to break you down physically as well.

We are wearing ourselves out, and in the process teaching our children that daily life is constantly filled with activities which include either physical or mental stimulation. With no down time to recharge our bodies it's no wonder everyone is short tempered or unable to focus on one another.

People are no longer communicating with each other in healthy ways. When your attention is being pulled in several directions you are not fully listening to your family. The result is you end up feeling stressed and unable to cope with everyday life. I know that if I allow this to happen, then nobody in my inner circle of family and friends is getting the best of me. In the end I feel as if I not only failed them, but cheated myself of much needed down time.

We need to learn to walk away from all the phones, TV's, computers and life's demands. Go to some place that makes us feel good and where we can't be reached - to recharge without interruption. Our children seeing us turning off and taking care of our need for quiet time is a valuable lesson for them. They will see our renewed attitude to life, and more focused  interaction with them, and may recognize the benefits of turning off. If they learn to make it a part of their life then we have truly given them one of the best gifts we can give in this chaotic world.


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