The Value of Education

Although a large percentage of people do value education, there are far too many who don't. The time and attention that should be given to ensure children are getting a great education is being spent doing other things. If we don't impress upon children how important it is to educate themselves, then they will be lost and left behind in the adult world.

There are thousands of great teachers working hard every day to help children succeed. My sister is one of them who has gone above and beyond for many years to try and educate children and prepare them for the "real" world. These teachers battle federal and sate mandates, and parents who either don't care, or blame teachers and schools if their child is failing.

The Federal No Child Left Behind Act requires states to develop assessments in basic skills. In order to receive federal school funding, states must give assessments to all students at select grade levels, but the Act does not have any national achievement standard. Each state is left to come up with their own standards, so there is no consistency from one state to another. The role of the federal government in public education was expanded through annual testing, annual academic progress, report cards, teacher qualifications, and funding changes.  To put it simply, this cannot be successful without consistency from one state to another, and sufficient funding. What it has done is put those who work in the classroom with these children each day in an impossible situation.

There are parents sending children to school every day and they are unprepared. They appear not to care about their education and believe they can say and do whatever they want. If they are reprimanded for bad behavior, or if they are failing, parents blame the teachers and schools. What ever happened to parents teaching their children to have respect and to be accountable for their actions? When we were growing up being disciplined at school, or bringing home failing grades, would surely bring on punishment for our failure to do what was expected of us. Perhaps that is one of the significant differences. We had parents that expected us to do well academically, and also to respect our teachers.

The bottom line is we are ultimately responsible for ensuring our children go to school and complete their assignments. Parents need to stay in touch with teachers so they are aware when there are problems. If we don't do this, then we can't blame teachers and schools when children fail.

Parents, teachers, and the community should all be accountable when it comes to educating children. If we want them to value education - we need to show them it is a priority for a successful future. 


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