The Year of Overwhelming Pollen

The pollen this spring has lasted longer, and been more overwhelming than any other time in my life. The season may have arrived slowly but once here it assaulted the senses and didn't want to let go.

I am fortunate not to have allergies so am not physically effected. My heart goes out to those who have had weeks and weeks with no relief. I can only imagine how they have suffered with watery eyes, runny noses and sneezing throughout this long pollen season. I'm sure any trip outside seemed daunting to them.

What also has been difficult to deal with is the heavy coat of yellow covering everything in site. Forget washing your car - as soon as it was done the pollen appeared again in a matter of minutes. I realized just how bad it has been when I washed windows today. Over the last several weeks the pollen mixed with the rain showers and became stuck like glue to the windows. Not an easy task to remove it all, but amazing how clean the windows look now.

I'm glad to have the blossoming flowers and trees, and I'm sure the bees and hummingbirds have been thrilled with the abundance of pollen. But, I also know it will be nice not to have layers of it covering everything.

To all of you who have been suffering through this atrocious allergy season - I hope you can once again breathe easier. Go out and enjoy the rest of your summer!



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