Thoughts on Turning 60

Turning 60 - this milestone is just around the corner for me. I have never been one to worry much about age as the years have passed and time has been spent with family and friends making memories, laughing and sharing. I am very aware that I have been aging, since my children are now grown and I have grandchildren. It's just that the years tiptoed quietly by unnoticed. I tell myself it is just a number, but this one seems different. As it approaches my emotions run from one extreme to the other. Most of the time I am fine with this - other times I find my anxiety level rises at the thought of this birthday. There has been much reflection on why there would be any anxiety over the approaching annual change of age. Perhaps one of the biggest reasons is the fact that as each year passes we become more cognizant of how fragile life can be. Our health, which we tend to take for granted when we are younger, can change in an instant. We have al...