Memorial Day

Memorial Day weekend strikes up images of the beginning of the summer season for many. The first big cookout and outdoor fun with friends. We have waited for this through the long hard winter. However, we all know the true meaning of Memorial Day. It was originally known as Decoration Day and originated after the American Civil War. It began as our country's way to commemorate soldiers who died in the Civil War. As years went by Memorial Day became our day to honor all who died while serving in the military. The traditional date is May 30th, but in 1968 Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act which moved four holidays from their traditional dates to a specified Monday. Memorial day is now observed on the last Monday in May, although many feel it should be returned to its traditional date.

On this day we pay our respect to those who have given their lives so we don't have to sacrifice all that we love and hold dear. Some of them returned home to be laid to rest by family and friends, and others never have made that return trip - lost on battlefields many years ago. Although they may have felt fear, they gave unselfishly knowing that what they did was to protect their country, and to free others from war time atrocities.

We have all lost people in our lives that have left an empty place in our heart and soul. Although we think of them every day, Memorial Day focuses on the loss of our loved ones. Those who have served in the military and those who have not. While we remember our own personal losses, we need to make sure that our family, children and communities never lose site of the true meaning of this holiday. Everyone needs to do their part and give thanks and praise to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Without these brave, patriotic, selfless individuals we would not have the freedoms that are too often taken for granted. Be aware and be thankful each and every day - not just on Memorial Day.

Always remember the true meaning. Always remember these true heroes.



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