The Joy of Giving Your Time

Our lives get chaotic and sometimes we wonder how we will accomplish all the things that need to be done. Our daily routine of work, children, meals, cleaning, etc. can overwhelm us and we cannot fathom how we would ever give our time for anything else. What will we leave undone in order to give some of our precious time?

And yet giving our time to someone else is one of the most rewarding things that we can do. It does not have to require hours per week, but can be one small thing that you do once or twice a month. Volunteering at a shelter, soup kitchen, church, hospital, school or another organization that is in need of assistance. If you have the time, becoming a big brother or big sister can change the life of a young child just by letting them know someone cares enough to spend time with them. Checking regularly on an elderly neighbor and visiting for a few moments - the stories they could tell you from years of living would amaze you. The list could go on and on, and if you can give in some way, the lesson that your children will learn from this would be priceless.

We should get our children involved in volunteering as early as we can so as they grow it will become an integral part of who they are. They will give their time as if it was a natural part of their routine and not think of it as taking away from things that need to be done. If they all can be taught to think this way imagine what compassionate and giving adults they will become, and how much better off our society would be. 

Giving our time does not necessarily have to be to strangers. We all know someone in our circle of family and friends who, from time to time, could benefit from someone who will listen or lend a helping hand. You cannot wait for them to ask, but have to open your heart, look around and listen. If you do this it will become clear who could benefit from your time.

I too have many days where I feel overwhelmed and feel like I will not accomplish everything I want to. Where I feel that I could not take on one more thing. However if I take a moment to stop and breathe I will remind myself that all of those things can wait. Then I will take the time to make a call to a dear friend, have lunch with someone I have not seen in a long time or make a surprise visit to try and brighten up someone's day. The funny thing is that as I give time to others I find that they have given me so much more.

They have given me joy which I can then share with someone else.


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