The Hardest Thing and The Right Thing

So much truth in this statement, and anyone who has had to make that hard decision knows it all too well. It would be so easy to take the path of least resistance and go with the flow, but in the end you are still in the same place and nothing has changed. What is it they say? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.

Humans are given free will - the ability to make their own choices in life. We try to make the choices that we think are right for us as an individual and for our family. Along the way we find that sometimes the choices we made were perhaps not the right ones, or they do not turn out the way we had envisioned or planned. Even if it was well thought out at the time, and should have succeeded, it does not. Many times for reasons out of our control like timing.

When this happens the hardest thing, and right thing, then become the same thing. Admitting this and taking that very difficult first step may seem impossible, but not taking it could be even harder. Staying stuck in that place can be so detrimental to your spirit. Once you allow yourself to do the hard thing and let go of what is not working, a burden will be lifted. Your life will then be open to allow new things in. And you never know where these new things may take you.


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