Becoming One with Nature

Today is one of those beautiful New England spring days with sunshine, temperatures in the 60's and a light breeze blowing across the lake. The type of day that you need to forget about work, chores, and worries for at least a little while and take it all in. Get outside and free your spirit.

We get so busy with our lives that we tend to lose touch with the world around us. I am not talking about the people in our world - I am talking about Mother Nature. Taking the time to just stop, breathe, and look at what is around you in silence can open up your soul to her treasures. Feel the sun warm your bones, feel the wind blow across your face and through your hair.  Doing this can open up your mind and release the clutter that has built up from your every day routine.  Clear out the cobwebs that have woven their way into your body and mind over the winter months.

Sit and watch the birds that have returned as they build their nest and get ready for the babies that will soon arrive. Listen to the sounds of their song and the lingering noises that the winds bring to your ears. Let go of the tension and let the music of nature soothe your soul.

Do yourself a favor and checkout of your routine for a little while. Nurture your soul and become one with nature. The rejuvenation will be amazing.



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