A Mother and Her Children
From the time our children are born there are really two things we want for them - to have a happy life and to be safe. Mothers are like a Momma bear with her cubs. We want to stand back and let them explore their surroundings (always watching of course) as we know they need to be able to stand up on their own when we cannot be there. However, let anyone try to mess with our children and we are just like that Momma bear and we will protect them with everything we have and more. We do have a tendency to try and make everything right for them and in many ways there is nothing wrong with that, however we cannot fix it all as they grow up. If we do not allow them to fail, then they will never figure out how to pick themselves up and succeed. As heartbreaking as it can be to watch them fail it is a necessary part of growing up and finding their way. In the end it makes them stronger and wiser. Over the years my children have had many successes and I am very proud of...