
Showing posts from October, 2024

Mother Nature's Magnificent Display

We warmly embraced lazy summer days, believing they would never end. Early September filled with such warmth, gave no clue of what was to come. Changes occur at such a slow pace, we hardly notice as they arrive. Suddenly daylight hours diminish, and cooler nights are at our door. Shorter days bring dark mornings, and evenings begin far too soon. Each day passing by reminds us, of what the next chapter will bring. Before we arrive at November's door, there will be wonders for us to see. Mother Nature will cast her magic spell, and show us her magnificent display. Slowly we notice a stray leaf here and there, giving a sneak peek of what's to come. Showing off ahead of the other leaves, very proud to be the first to the show. Then one day everything changes, as brilliant colors cover every tree. Red, orange, and golden yellow, filling senses with beauty and warmth. Give thanks to Mother Nature, for her magnificent and colorful display. These visions we can take with us, when the c