
Hero: noun
heroes (plural noun)

1. Typically known as: a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.

We all have people we look up to that we consider heroes. They may be someone close to us such as a family member or close friend, or they may be teachers, fire fighters, public servants, or celebrities and sports figures. They all have their own way to inspire us and have a big impact on our lives.

Many of these heroes are given nationwide recognition for their deeds. When they are public figures, the press or public is often there to shine a light on their achievements. So much of what they do is done where it is easily seen by passersby who are more than happy to video their actions to share on social media.

When our heroes are family, friends or teachers, much of their good works are done behind the scenes and specifically for us. They do not go looking for recognition, and usually there is no one there to honor them. What they do is extremely important, and those they do it for will never forget their deeds. We are all better for having these heroes in our lives.

Then there are the heroes that walk beside us every day without being seen. Not all deeds are grandiose, many are selfless acts of kindness done quietly. We may not even notice, but in some way, they have made another's life better. They are not looking for accolades or public recognition.

The unseen heroes are precious. Even though they should be recognized, their anonymity is the thing that makes them a true treasure. They are here on earth, and one day they are gone, without anyone ever knowing the acts of kindness or bravery they have performed.

Heroes, known or unknown, make a difference every day.


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