Clearing the Mind

With age, the desire to tackle big projects is not what it was in our youth. There is no urgency as we have learned it will always be there tomorrow. Also, we recognize that it is not really that important. There are many other things that deserve our time, such as being with family and friends enjoying life. Things still get done these days, but it is done in smaller pieces and at a slower pace. 

This past week I decided it was time to clean the windows that had been left untouched for far too long. I could not imagine going through the winter looking through hazy windows. Approaching this project, it initially felt like an enormous task, and I wondered if I was up to it. What once seemed so easy now appeared to be a major undertaking.

There was a time in my life that something like this would be no big deal. Not only would I clean the windows, but also clean the walls and wash the curtains in one day. There seemed to be no end to the energy needed to complete big projects. Time changes many things.

It is interesting, that completing one project, can give you the momentum to move on to others. Cleaning the house was next, followed by putting the outdoor table and chairs away. The garden has been cleaned out and the flower bed will be tended to once the frost takes the last of the flowers. For now, I will enjoy watching the bees gather pollen from the abundance of Gaillardia (Blanket Flowers) that continue to blossom. 

As my hands were busy doing fall projects, I felt lighter and more joyful. Things that had been monopolizing my mind seemed to melt away. Funny how physical activity can impact so many aspects of our lives in a positive way.

Soon it will be much cooler and more time will be spent indoors. A great time to tackle all the projects we do not think of during the beautiful weather of spring, summer and fall. As I learned many years ago regarding clearing/cleaning things out, start at the top and work your way down.

The important part of all of these endeavors, is that when they are completed my mind has been cleared of many worries. What is left seems more manageable and I am left feeling there is less weight on my shoulders. A very good reason to move forward. 


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