Self-Respect and Dignity

  • Self-Respect: Pride and confidence in oneself.
  • Dignity: the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect.
  • Modesty: behavior, manner or appearance intended to avoid impropriety or indecency.
  • Morality/Morals: principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior. A person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do.
Social media, television, movies, restaurants, stores and the beach; everywhere you look there appears to be a lack of self-respect and decency. Many people are exhibiting behavior void of modesty and dignity, setting a bad example for children who observe them.

I am not a prude, and feel I've been open to changes that have occurred over the last several decades. As a young woman I was one to follow whatever fads came along, and at times wore clothing that exposed a bit more of my body than I would consider showing today. The folly of youth, and the I don't care what anyone thinks attitude, can create bold actions.

Today many young women go out wearing clothing that comes close to exposing most of their "bits and pieces", leaving almost nothing to the imagination. When they present themselves in this manner, they need to be prepared to accept the looks and comments it can bring. They may say that nobody has the right to stare or treat them in this way, and they are right, but should also be aware of the message they are giving. It's difficult to complain about being objectified, or not being respected, when they don't appear to respect themselves.

You don't have to dress like a nun to avoid the leers and jeers but can have some modesty and wear clothing with more class. They say you shouldn't dress for the job you have, but for the job you want; perhaps you should also consider dressing for the kind of life you want in your future.

When you start having self-respect and dignity, you might just be surprised how confident and powerful you feel. As this newfound confidence grows, you will find yourself surrounded by people who will treat you with the respect you deserve.

When you present yourself with class and style, some may think that you feel you are better than them, but don't ever be embarrassed or ashamed about having self-respect. Presenting yourself with dignity and pride will take you a long way in life.


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