Reasonable Weight Loss Goals and Embracing Our Own Beauty

We all see the ads on television that claim you can lose weight with a pill or powder and no changes to your diet or exercise. Others will give you weight loss success when we order their pre-packaged foods, but what happens when we go back to reality and fixing our own meals at home? There is that old expression that" if something seems too good to be true then it probably is". One thing I know - we should never have to starve ourselves to lose weight.

We all want to look our best, but we need to stop comparing ourselves to others. Not everyone is going to be thin as a rail; we all come in different shapes and our bones structures differ greatly. A healthy weight for one person is not going to be the same for someone else. Five pounds can be the difference between looking healthy or too thin. 

As each year goes by, weight loss becomes more difficult. We can easily fall prey to all the latest weight loss programs that guarantee quick success. Unfortunately, most of these programs are not sustainable long term. Unless we are extremely disciplined, we will not remove sugar or carbs from our life forever. Good carbs actually provide vital nutrients our body requires. What we can do is learn to incorporate good carbs into our diet and eat sweets on a more limited basis. Indulging in a sweet treat occasionally, is better than totally restricting them. 

With the added stress in our lives today, losing weight is no easy task. The only way to do it, and keep the weight off, is to change the way we eat. We have to eat the right foods in the right quantities, and also add exercise to our routine. Even a small change to start can get us on the road to losing weight. As we adjust to that change it becomes routine and easier to move forward with healthy eating habits and exercise. Eventually they become a normal part of our daily life. The exercise also makes a big difference in our stress level which helps with weight loss.

Lifestyle changes are what it takes for anyone to be successful on this journey. It does not have to be a real painful process - if it is then we will not succeed. Just take small steps and eventually they become healthier habits we incorporate into our life. With that we will reach our goals and success.

We need to do what is best for us and get to our healthy weight. When we do this our beauty will shine through and we will be much happier and have less stress. What a great feeling that is!!


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