Living With a First-Generation American Italian (Sicilian) Man - #3 Change

We all go through changes in our life, some of them big and others small everyday things. Change is never easy but most of us manage to work our way through it and find a way to adjust. And then there are Sicilian men. If you change anything in their world, they lose their mind, and you hear about it forever. 

I am always looking for everyday essentials that are more environmentally friendly. Each small thing we do can go a long way in helping our planet. Several years ago, I decided that the toilet tissue we were using was one thing I should change since it had the cardboard roll at the center. One manufacturer had come out with toilet tissue that had no cardboard core, once the tissue was gone there would be no waste to throw out. Seemed like a very good decision to me. Boy, was I wrong.

When he visited the restroom and discovered my latest environmental purchase let's just say he was not at all happy. Not only did I hear him yelling out "what is this?", but then I had to listen to him lament for days on how much he disliked it. It doesn't roll right; it is not the same as our old tissue paper; I have to use too much, etc., etc. You would have thought I had taken away his best friend. 

I told myself if I ignored all of his complaining he would eventually accept this change, and maybe feel good about helping the environment. Again, I was wrong. Within a couple of weeks, I gave in and put his "usual" toilet tissue back in the bathroom. He was happy and life was once more calm and serene.

And it will remain that way, unless he ever discovers other things I have changed in his world.


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