
The definition of beauty from Merriam-Webster Dictionary: the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit.

Unfortunately, advertisements on television and in print media continuously bombard us with their perception of beauty. It always seems to be someone who is very young, very thin and wearing enough makeup to cover any slight imperfection they may have. They appear to have absolutely no flaws whatsoever, which only leads young women to focus on anything in themselves that they don't see as perfect. They look at these models and spend their youth desperately trying to reach the unattainable. And even as adults, we women often focus on what we perceive as our faults far too often. Society needs to do more to change this. We as individuals need to change this.

Beauty runs far deeper than what we see on the outside. It has more to do with what kind of person you are. Do you strive to do the right thing? Are you kind to others? Do you keep an open mind and try not to be judgmental? Do you look for the good qualities in people and not just look at their physical features?

Children need to hear the adults in their life talking about beauty in a different way. If they hear you talk about what you perceive as your flaws, it only makes them focus on the same thing. Let them hear you tell someone they are a beautiful person because of their kindness, sense of humor, intelligence or any other wonderful quality they have. Your actions go far in teaching them the true meaning of beauty.

There was a time when I would see older women with lines around their eyes and wrinkles and would think to myself how old they looked. Now when I see this, I look beyond that. I see their smile and the years of living they are showing the world. Some of these lines may have come from sorrow, but so many are from joy and a full life. They are experiences to be shared and they are beautiful.

A pretty exterior does not make us beautiful - that is just superficial. True beauty comes from our soul. Look into someone's eyes, see their smile and hear their words. The beauty that comes from within will amaze you.


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