Before You Cast a Stone of Hate ...

Every day it seems more and more hatred is being spread in every country around the world. As an adult, it creates anxiety in my life; I can only imagine how stressful it is for children. Children do not come into the world knowing hatred - it is taught. There are two kinds of parents; the ones who contribute by teaching hate, or the ones who spend a lot of time trying to shelter their children from it and teaching them why it is wrong.

I often wonder if those talking the loudest ever stop and think before they spread hatred and fear. Do they ever think about the impact on their families, friends and neighbors, or how this hatred they hang on to keeps them in a cloud of negativity? Do they really believe that people from a different ethnic group or religion than they are should be hated? Is a world where everyone is exactly the same, with the same beliefs, a world worth living in?

I would like to challenge everyone to take a close look at who they are and where they come from. The truth is we are all children of immigrants, so to say you hate someone because of this makes no sense. Unless you can follow your ancestry back to the beginning of time and find that every single ancestor came from only one country, then you are a child of immigrants. If anybody ever married someone from another country, or whose parents ever came from another country, or their parents and so on, then you are a child of immigrants.

Our differences make us interesting as human beings, but we truly are more alike than some would like to admit. If they did, then they would have to look at one another with clearer eyes and a kinder heart. They would have to stop spouting hatred because the hateful words they are using on others could come back on them as children of immigrants.

Before you cast a stone of hatred, take a long look at your own family tree. Stop being a part of the "sickness" and become someone that will help create a better world, so children do not learn to hate.



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