Stop Fighting the Inevitable
It saddens me that women feel the need to fight what is a natural progression of life. No cream, lotion or potion is going to stop the aging process, and I am tired of celebrities getting rich trying to convince us that they will.
When I look in the mirror, I see the lines that have increased since last year. And, as my sister would say, "Do we look good for our age? Yes, but we look our age." She is right - the majority of us look our age, and our gene pool plays a big role in whether we age faster or more slowly than others.
Every day we are bombarded with the never-ending commercials for numerous facial products that supposedly slow down or reduce the signs of aging. Celebrities with their shiny tight faces who lead you to believe that you can look as youthful as they do just by using their product, which will cost you a fortune if used as suggested. Years ago, they would have called them snake oil salesmen. Their claims are an insult to our intelligence.
Anyone over the age of 40 who has skin like a 25-year-old has had work done. We all could look as youthful if we went to a plastic surgeon, but not by using any face cream. Using moisturizers can improve the look and feel of our skin, however you will still have lines from living a certain number of years.
I have always tried to take care of my skin, but I have "crinkles" around my eyes when I smile, and when I am tired it shows much more than it did in my 30's. Living life and smiling will always show on our face in time, and what is wrong with that?
My advice to young women:
1. Don't believe everything you see or hear in advertisements.
2. Wear as little makeup as possible - it clogs your pores and your skin
can't breathe.
3.Wash your face twice a day and use a good moisturizer made from
ingredients as natural as possible (ditch all the chemicals).
4. Keep in mind that if someone looks half their age then they had work
done - don't compare yourself to them.
5. Enjoy life, smile and be thankful for every line as you get older. You
have earned them.
We need to stop fighting the inevitable. There is no stopping the aging process no matter how hard we try. Take care of your skin, eat healthy, get some exercise, and embrace who you are. There is great freedom in accepting who we are at every stage of life.
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