How Many Do We Need to Endure for It to Stop?

When I wrote this back in 2012, I never imagined that in the next ten years we would be subjected to so many more horrific tragedies in our country. Over and over, we seem to just be replacing the name of the city or town where these tragedies occur. It is apparent that this not only has to do with mental health issues, but also the easy access to weapons. How many more innocent people have to die before we stand up and do something about it? This is not about the 2nd amendment. I don't know anyone who wants to take guns away from people, and nobody is going to go into your home and take them away, but the majority of Americans do want sensible changes to gun laws. It is not unreasonable to expect thorough background checks for all gun sales, including private and gun show sales, and it is only sensible to have a waiting period while a background check is completed. There is no reason for any private citizen to have assault rifles, a weapon of war. There is no rea...