Who Would You Invite to Your Dinner Table?

Events over the last several years have recently had me reflecting on history, and the people who have come and gone leaving a major impact. In the midst of these thoughts one question came to mind; if I could invite anyone to my dinner table, who would it be? The answer was not quite as simple as one might think. As I started to compile my list, I found they would be a multi-faceted and diverse group, and the table would need to be quite large to accommodate them all. The people I have listed below is a small sampling of who I wish I could have the opportunity to talk with. They are religious figures, Native American leaders, Presidents, First Ladies, Civil Rights leaders, women's rights advocates, etc. Truthfully, there are too many to list them all. Jesus - It would be a gift to hear about his life in his own words. Pope John Paul II - first non-Italian Pope Mother Theresa - Devoted to caring for the sick and poor Dali Lama - Tibetan Buddhist Sitting Bull - Lakota Chie...