Have Respect When You Shop

I am not one who shops on Black Friday weekend. However, I did go into one store with my daughter and granddaughter yesterday and was dismayed by what I saw. It brings me back to a thought I have often these days - are people being taught any manners as they grow up?

If you have watched the news at all over the past few days, you have seen some bad behavior by shoppers. Not only are they trying to push their way past other shoppers but will even fight with each other over one item. What would possess someone to get into a physical altercation over shopping? Is this the way they deal with everything in life when something doesn't go their way, or does some other inner being take over and erase their sense of decorum and decency?

Of course, retailers play a role in this. In order to get as much business as possible they will reduce the price on a big-ticket item ridiculously low, knowing full well they only have a certain number in stock to offer. This creates an impossible situation as shoppers try to be the "one" who gets the great deal. Those left empty handed have a tendency to become ugly, and some will create a scene which can escalate, feeding the mood of other shoppers.

My biggest disappointment was the disarray shoppers leave the store in. As they pick through the racks and tables, they toss things aside in messy piles without any feelings of remorse. The shoe department looked like a cyclone had gone through. People had tried on shoes and boots, and just left the boxes open and all over the floor. Who knows if they even put the shoes anywhere near the box they took them from. How could anyone else even find something they may want to try?

When did we become a society without manners or respect? Someone working in that store must go through and try to create order out of the mess you left. Imagine if you had worked hard to make a nice display for shoppers; taking pride in what you had done. How would you feel if someone came into your workplace and tore things apart; leaving you to pick up the pieces?

The retail business is not an easy one any time of year, and even more difficult during the holidays.  When shopping, take the time to be courteous to other patrons; if you take something off a shelf or rack, put it back the way you found it. Keep in mind that most of these stores are working with limited staff; it doesn't take much to be respectful and do your part to minimize the chaos and mess.

As human beings we need to have respect for one another, and the work each of us does every day. Good manners should be a given, not an afterthought.


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