Love - Kind, Caring, Compassionate, Difficult and Messy

"Love - strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties; warm attachment, enthusiasm or devotion."

Love, a short simple word that encompasses so many meanings and emotions. There is the love we have for our spouse/partner, the love for our children, and the love we have for our dear friends. Each one so important and so complicated at the same time.

Love stirs strong emotions that usually warm our heart, and because of the strength it holds, it can also easily hurt us. When we love someone, every day is not smooth sailing. There will be times that our loved ones hurt or disappoint us, and sometimes we will do the same to them; testing our bond to one another.

Our love for our spouse/partner will go through many stages; new and passionate, comfortable and close, and at times cool and distant. Each phase is a natural part of the relationship. In the end, the strength of our love, and even friendship, will be the things that get us to the partners for life stage.

Our children - so many emotions that our love entails when it comes to our children. The day they are born we feel our hearts could not possibly love another so much; such a perfect love as we hold them in our arms. As they grow from infant up to young adulthood they will test this love, but no matter what we have to endure we will always love them more than life itself.

Then there are the friends we make throughout our lifetime; the ones who laugh with us, cry with us, and go on our wild and crazy adventures. We love them because of who they are, and because they stick by us no matter what life brings our way. At times we need them more than our family; they hold the secrets we have shared only with them.

People so often say they love one another, however, as soon as they hit a bump in the road and get angry every past "wrong" comes out. Painful memories erupt and are used against each other. This is not love. True love forgives and does not keep track of the wrongs.

The other love we need to nurture is the love for our fellow humans - whether they are like us or different. In this messed up world today, we humans need to be kinder, more caring and compassionate, and try to understand one another. We may not always see things in the same way, but we all want the same thing; a world of peace and love.

One day at a time, try to be someone whose heart is filled with love.


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