
Showing posts from October, 2017

Taking A Down Day

October has ended, and daylight savings time will soon fade away. Looking out over this gloomy day speaks volumes of what's to come. I had good intentions of accomplishing many things today, but the weather seems to have zapped any ambition I may have had. It's as if I am moving in slow motion, and the "to do" list is reduced to a few things. Everyone encounters days like this, and I'm not sure how they approach them, but to me they are saying "slow down and let things go". It's time to take a down day and do something frivolous. My idea of a break from routine is to turn on some sappy romantic movies and let the emotions flow. Although we are nowhere near the Christmas holiday, the movies have begun. Others may not see the value in these, but for me they work. You know that they will have a happy ending, and they just make you feel good. It's a cleansing of the soul, releasing all the pent up emotions. So today I choose to forget the tas...

What's for Dinner Tonight? - "Da Beef" Italian Pot Roast Sandwich

This recipe comes from Food Network star Jeff Mauro's sandwich chain, Pork & Mindy's. It's a Chicago style Italian beef sandwich kicked up with red pepper flakes and hot peppers. Not for the gentle soul afraid of heat, but sure to be a hit with your family and friends who love things hot & spicy. Although it takes a bit of time to prepare, once in the oven it only requires turning to ensure the pot roast evenly soaks in the juices from the jus. We absolutely loved these sandwiches!! "Da Beef" Italian Pot Roast Sandwich For the Pot Roast: 1 - boneless beef chuck-eye roast (about 3-1/2 pounds) Slat and pepper 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 onion, roughly chopped 1 tablespoon dried Italian seasoning (I used 1/2 tablespoon basil & 1/2 tablespoon oregano) 2 teaspoons red pepper flakes 6 cloves garlic, roughly chopped 1/2 cup dry red wine 5 cups beef stock 2 sprigs fresh thyme (or 1/4 teaspoon ground dried thyme) For the Pepper:...


It's very easy to stay cemented to the life and routine you are used to, even if you know that something within it isn't working anymore. The pieces of the puzzle seem to be falling apart because they don't fit properly as they once did; yet you keep trying to push them back together. Somehow there is false comfort in the familiar. I have seen family and friends struggle, and we all have been there at one time or another in life. If someone tells you they haven't, then they are not being honest with themselves. It's not always something big; even a small misstep can shift you into uneasiness. Unfortunately people tend to stay on a crumbling path rather than confront it and make a change. It can be a multitude of things that you may be dealing with: a job that no longer challenges you or brings you satisfaction; issues with your children; worries over the health of a loved one who ignores it themselves; struggling with financial difficulties, and so many other tr...


si·lence [ˈsīləns] NOUN complete absence of sound: synonyms: quietness · quiet · quietude · still · stillness · hush · tranquility · [more] noiselessness · soundlessness · peacefulness · peace (and quiet) Silence is not easy to find today. We are constantly bombarded with noise at home, work or out in public. At home even if we are not watching we will have the television on with the constant noise in the background, or a radio playing. If we aren't listening to these things we will be looking at the computer and perhaps watching videos. At work there may be other people talking around us, or even machinery running depending on where we work. When out in public there will be noise from traffic, chatter all around in a restaurant or even in the stores we frequent. Noise can lead to high blood pressure, anxiety and stress, and has a marked physical effect on the brain. It's no wonder we may feel we are losing our minds some days. We n...

Breakfast To Go - On The Go Breakfast Muffins

I am always looking for something I can make ahead to grab and go in the morning. I usually do eat breakfast at home, but sometimes a busy schedule gets in the way. This great recipe from The Cooking Jar is full of healthy ingredients, and very easy and quick to make. You can eat them warm from the oven, or store in the fridge to take in the morning. Just heat in the microwave and enjoy! On the Go Breakfast Muffins 12 large eggs, beaten 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese 2 cups chopped fresh spinach 6 slices bacon, cooked and chopped - 1/2 cup bacon bits (I used the pre-cooked bacon) 1 teaspoon smoked paprika (or regular paprika) salt and pepper to taste 1. Mix together all the ingredients and whisk until smooth. 2. Grease a regular-size muffin tin and fill each cup about 2/3 full. 3. Bake at 350 degrees F for 20-23 minutes or until a knife inserted in the middle of a muffin comes out clean. 4. Cool for 5 minutes before prying muffins loose. If you like ch...


As I drove home today from a wonderful visit with my children and grandchildren there were two thoughts on my mind. One, what an absolutely gorgeous fall day it was, and two, how interesting it was to see my daughters interact with their children. To watch them struggle with these strong willed children as I did with them many years ago. From the time our children are infants, then toddlers, and even into kindergarten, we are in control of what they do and how they interact with us as parents. They look up to us and usually don't question what we tell them; after all, mom and dad know everything. Whatever they need an answer to they ask us and know that it's right. Then they enter first grade, second, third and beyond, and they begin to question if everything we tell them is true. Are they being given an answer that is meant to protect, or keep them from doing things we don't want them to do? Perhaps, as we know that just because other children their age are doing somet...

Yes - Older Women Still Have Dreams

There are those who believe that dreams and adventures are meant for the young; that when you reach a certain age you are to go quietly into the sunset and leave these things behind. They couldn't be more wrong. No matter how old we get, we have dreams and desires. As nurturers so many of us spend our lives taking care of others, and in doing so leave our dreams and adventures unfulfilled. It's not that we regret nurturing, as that has its own rewards. However, we do look back at times and think of the dreams we had and the adventures we didn't take, and wonder what might have been. It is easy to imagine ourselves off on an adventure; seeing things we have never seen before, and meeting interesting people along the way. Welcoming the sunrise in one part of the world, and sunset in another. We can still dream of being a successful singer, songwriter, actress, doctor, scientist or inventor; whatever we dreamt of so many years ago. And we can envision the life that would h...

Coffee and Dessert - Ponzio's Famous Ricotta Pie

Several years ago I was looking for a recipe for Ricotta Pie, and found this one online. I was surprised that Ponzio's was willing to share their recipe, but apparently they were once featured on Food Network and had an enormous demand for the recipe. I am grateful that they were willing to share as this is the best Ricotta Pie I have ever had. The blend of orange and lemon zest gives it an amazing flavor. I hope that you and your family enjoy this as much as we do! Thank you Ponzio's for sharing. Ponzio's Famous Ricotta Pie The filling is enough for two pies. 2 - nine inch pie crusts (homemade or pre-made) 2-1/2 pounds Ricotta Cheese 1-3/4 cups heavy cream 3/4 cup powdered sugar 5 whole eggs 2 egg yolks Zest of 1 orange and 1 lemon 1/8 teaspoon vanilla Preheat oven to 320 degrees F. 1. In a large bow, add Ricotta and powdered sugar. Mix at low speed. 2. Add eggs, egg yolks, heavy cream and vanilla. Continue mixing on low speed until tex...

The Struggles of a Type A Person

Depending on the day, having a type A personality can be a blessing or a curse. If you happen to be a type A you know what I mean. In your mind you are running through the endless tasks ahead each day. I need to make the bed, feed the cat, go to work, prepare dinner, do the dishes, make lunches, and the list goes on. Being a type A person has its perks. They're always organized and on top of things, and make sure that everything gets done. Not only do they make sure their own tasks are completed, but they will do everyone else's too. They can't help themselves, it's like they are being driven by an invisible force. Because of their desire to have everything a certain way, it keeps the home and work environment neat, clean and efficient. There are also many downsides to having a type A personality. If they do something once it eventually becomes a habit, and then is something they must do every day. An unknown power they can't control compels them, and if they do...

Time and Memories

As the years go by we become keenly aware of the elusiveness of time. What appears as an infinite amount of time to see and do, suddenly becomes almost impossible to find. When I was younger I took for granted the good times with family and friends. It never crossed my mind that these gatherings filled with fun and laughter would some day be gone, and all that would remain would be the ghosts of memories in my mind. That is the folly of youth. The wisdom of age lets us know every moment is precious; to be enjoyed to the fullest. We hang on every moment trying to stretch it out for as long as possible. As if we can make it last forever by wishing it so. Every hug from family and friends; each funny memory shared filling a room with laughter, and each photo taken thinking it will freeze time. We hold these close and try to ensure we have as many of these moments as possible. I am blessed to have a wonderful family, and dear friends that I count as family. The time I have with them ...