Help Those Who Help Themselves

Anyone with a heart has compassion and believes in helping those less fortunate. Everyone needs a hand at some point in their life.

Unfortunately, our society has reached a point where we are rewarding the wrong behavior. We are quick to help so many who do not want to work - those who will take anything they can receive for doing nothing. That's why we are in such financial trouble - too many taking and not enough paying in to sustain it.

And then there are those single parents that work extremely hard to try and keep their heads above water. Struggling every week and praying they can pay the bills and put food on the table. If they get any help at all it is minute; barely enough to make a dent in their deficit. God forbid they get a slight pay raise, because when they do that tiny bit of assistance is taken away. The pay raise can't begin to make up for what is lost, and anxiety increases as they fall further behind. In their desperation they become angry at those who don't work and are taken care of. Is it any wonder that they begin to think that maybe they shouldn't work?

Of course these are the people who have too much pride and will continue the struggle to survive. These are the ones we should give assistance to so they can remain in the work force. To allow them to show their children that hard work pays off and that they should never give up. We need to help those who are willing to help themselves.

I have a heart and compassion, and believe in helping others. However, I think it's time to stop taking away the little assistance hard working single parents might get, and reward them for doing the right thing. Keeping more people in the work force is good for all of us.


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