Slow Progress

As always, Mother Nature has given us early hope, and then disappointment with our New England spring. Those sunny warm days last month were teasers and we were hopeful they were here to stay. Of course, deep down we knew that it was not to be.

When April arrives I become anxious to get my hands in the dirt to plant flowers that will bring color and beauty to my home. I know in reality the planting still cannot be done for many weeks, but it doesn't stop me from planning and dreaming. I look out the window and create a design in my mind that I can almost visualize in full bloom. Deciding what colors will be included this year and how all the plants will complement one another.

I look forward to watching the bees as they go about their daily work, buzzing from flower to flower collecting pollen. The joy I feel the first time I see the birds enjoy a dip in the bird bath; dropping themselves in and then fluttering their wings to pull up and dry off. They always bring a smile to my face and brighten the day. And then there are the Hummingbirds who will arrive any day. Hopefully they will be warm enough in the cool spring weather we have had.

Even though I am on hold, I have made slow progress. The flower bed had Tiger Lilies that were taking over so I struggled and won the fight to remove a good share of them. Some old woody plants were taken out and some new topsoil has been mixed in. The bird bath is in place and filled with water, along with a new angel bath my mother gave me. And even though plants are still in the planning and design stage, I will be able to purchase them soon so I will be ready to go.

Until then I will make sure the Hummingbird feeder is full so they can enjoy the nectar until flowers are in bloom. Who knows, maybe on a nice day I can sit quietly on the deck and be fortunate enough to watch them. Even if I can't put my hands in the dirt right now, I can observe and enjoy the trees as the buds turn to leaves, and the grass gets greener. And best of all, I can listen to my wonderful Loons who have returned to the lake for the season. Life is good.


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