What We Give Up When We Accept Things for Free

It's very easy to get used to having things given to us without having to work for them. After a while it seems to be just a part of life that people don't think about - something that is "normal" in their daily existence. The unfortunate thing is, we forget that for each thing we accept that is "free", what we give up is another part of our freedom.

Nothing in life is free  - there is always a price to pay. Whether you accept things from family, friends or your government, you will pay a price for doing so. Most of the time people don't even realize that they are giving the power to make decisions about their life to someone else as it happens so gradually.

If you take help from family or friends during a difficult time, they will feel they have the right to tell you what they think about your decisions. And in some ways they are right. We all have seen it happen and also know the resentment that can develop. When you give help and then see someone either go out and purchase something new for themselves, or decide to take a trip, it creates resentment. Especially if you gave what you could have used for your own family in some way.

When you take free benefits from your government, you are giving them the power to take your freedom and make choices for you. The power to tell you what you can and cannot do since they are paying for those benefits. Most people don't even see it happening, or choose to be blind to it. Unfortunately by the time it is realized it's very difficult to bring things back to where they should be.

It is not my intention to imply that most people take things without working for them. That is not the case - I believe the majority of people work very hard for what they have, and take pride in doing so. It feels good to see the results of your hard work. What I am implying is that taking things for free is a slippery slope to be on for everyone. Eventually there are not enough people paying to provide the benefits that everyone feels entitled to. At that point we all lose in more ways than one - and the biggest loss is that of our freedom to choose for ourselves.

Don't give someone else the power to make choices for you. What would make you think that they will have your best interests at heart? Be in control of your own life and your own future, and remember that nothing in life is free.


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