Thoughts of Younger Days and Wonderful Friends

Perhaps it is seeing my children grown up, or watching the years pass quickly with my grandchildren, or maybe even turning 60, but I have been thinking a lot about my younger days lately. When I was a teenager and in my early 20's, and I believed that I would be young forever. We all do have that false sense of never getting older during those years.

 I'm not sure how men look at the passing of time, but I know what this one woman sees and feels. Remembering those times as a teenager, still feeling the excitement and joy of times with good friends. All the things we did and places we went that were new. Most of the time things turned out well, sometimes not so much, but is was certainly exhilarating and I would not change a thing. The excitement of youth as they say.

Over the years I have made some very good friends - some I have known almost my entire life. I find that since we tend to live far apart, and have full, busy lives with family or work, that we don't get to spend as much time together as I would like. Women need their girlfriends - they are an integral part of who we are. They nourish our soul and let us know when we have done well, when we are being foolish, guide us when we need to make choices, and hold our hand and cry with us if needed. Without them we would be lost.

I find that I am missing my very good friends a lot lately. We talk on the phone, but it is not the same as a day of window shopping, or sitting on the back deck with a glass of wine telling tales of "do you remember that time?", or "do you remember that guy?"; tales that come from years of knowing one another. Both bringing much laughter and sometimes tears. These friendships and times are priceless, and I cherish each one dearly.

Thinking about all of this reminded of a song by Tim McGraw titled "Forever Seventeen". Here's to all of my wonderful girlfriends - I hope this brings a smile to your face. May we have a glass of wine on the deck soon.

"Let's be honest, you're not flawless
But you're as close as anything I've seen
You're not the woman that you envisioned
But your life is not a broken time machine
No, it's not that bad
You know, it's really not that bad
Little midnight Chardonnay smooth the edges off the day
A little taste of Mary Jane makes you feel young again
All those years around your eyes always take you by surprise
You've been living in a dream, forever seventeen"



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