Teach Young Women to Be Their Own Hero

With all the wrong messages bombarding young women today, it's no wonder that they tend to have a poor self image, and strive to attain what is unattainable. As their mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, teachers, etc. we owe it to them to present ways to see their value and become their own hero.

Everywhere they look there are images of teens and women openly, and subliminally, telling them that in order to be valued they need to look sexy and alluring. Very young girls are learning provocative moves from music videos - moves they should not even be aware of at that age. Girls are led to believe that they need a "boy" in their life, and if they don't have that boyfriend then something must be wrong with them.

Although there are many positive role models for young girls, the wrong ones are in their face on a daily basis. Until enough people voice their opinion they will continue to produce the commercials and videos that give the wrong message. When I see these things on TV and in magazines, I always wonder "what would you think if it was your daughter"? Everyone should be asking themselves that question.

We need to tell our daughters, sisters, nieces, and all young women that they are wonderful and unique. That their individual talents and personalities are all they will need to become strong young women. Show them how to develop their talent and interest into a career where their passion will shine. Put examples in front of them - starting with you - of what a strong successful woman looks like.

There are some great programs available that strive to show young girls how great they are and ways to flourish in the world around them. Here are a few links to some that I found:



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