A Day at the Beach

Even an overcast day is a great day when I am spending time with my daughters and grandchildren. Precious time making memories that they will carry with them throughout their life. Memories of a time that we will all long to recapture when we think of them.

My girls are busy working and raising their children so it is not often that all of us are together. This past Sunday was one of those rare occasions when they were able to come with my granddaughters (unfortunately my grandson was not able to join us and he was deeply missed). We took a trip over to Hampton Beach and it was one of those quiet days that you don't often find in the summer. Plenty of room for them to run, play and explore and for me to watch their excitement.

It is a joy to see them as they run into the water, in spite of the cold temperature, and then run back laughing and screaming as the waves follow them. Scanning the sand for any sea shell that might have been left behind as the water retreats back from shore. Treasures to bring home with them and keep for years to come. Digging in the sand and attempting to create castles that somehow always end up being knocked over "accidentally" on purpose.

Although I walk to the water with them from time to time and make sure I take photos to capture the day, my greatest pleasure is being their mother and grandmother. The one who watches from her chair - the grand lady observing her offspring. Seeing my daughters do the things that I once did with them. Knowing some day they will be the ones in the chair with a heart full of love as they watch.

There will never be enough of these days.........




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