Time Together on My Mother's Birthday - Priceless

My mother's birthday was this past weekend. A special day for her, but even more wonderful by how it was celebrated.

For the first time in almost 10 years all six of her children were there to celebrate with her. I sometimes wonder what she thinks and feels when she looks at all of us. Now adults and no longer the babies she brought into the world, is what she sees the life she imagined for us?

We gathered at Mom's house before taking her out for her birthday dinner, and enjoyed a relaxing afternoon catching up on our lives. So many things to talk about as we all know that life changes for us almost daily. Although we keep in touch often, there is nothing better than looking at one another and being able to see the animation in someone's eyes as a story is told.

At dinner we reminisced about things from our childhood that brought us to laughter over and over. One sister remembering that every winter someone at the bus stop would inevitably stick their tongue on the metal gas tank in spite of warnings from others. Since our house was right next to the stop she would go in and get water to release the latest victim's tongue. Another reminding myself and our other sister that we had convinced her to do that one winter also. Funny how I don't remember playing such a cruel trick on her, but of course she will never forget. Reminding my brother how he dressed up as James West, his favorite character, or wore a cape like Superman. Being the only boy, and the youngest, could not have been easy with 5 sisters. All of these stories and adventures from childhood could fill a book quickly.

We are so very fortunate to have this special time with our Mother, and to see her have such a wonderful evening. The hours pass too quickly as do the years, and before we know it the time comes to part. As I traveled home the realization of how blessed we are to have one another warmed my heart. Each moment we spend together as siblings, and with my Mother, are priceless. Here's hoping that we have many more moments and years to come.


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