Communicating Without Distractions

Does anyone actually look at one another and talk anymore? I see people having a "conversation" and they are looking at their computer/phone/television, and not at the person they are "talking" to.

I know that if I am talking with someone I am offended when their phone goes off with a call or text and they stop listening to respond. How can you truly be connected to the conversation if you are not giving someone your full attention? Think of how you feel if you are dismissed in the middle of a conversation.

I am guilty of this same behavior. When I started my own business and purchased a new phone that could receive my email I was quick to answer or look at my phone every time I heard it go off. After a while that noise became a bit of an annoyance. When my boyfriend started to comment on the fact that I was always on the computer or phone, and that I did not even talk to him anymore it hit home. I knew that I had become programmed like Pavlov's dog. I also knew that if I wanted to have a good relationship with him, or anyone else in my life, I needed to change this behavior.

I have heard my grandchildren also comment on their parents and phones. Is it any wonder that they don't listen to us? If we are not giving them our full attention then we cannot expect them give us theirs. How will they ever learn to communicate face to face if we don't teach them. Giving someone your undivided attention makes them feel important, like what they have to say matters to you.

I think it is time to start looking at each other face to face, eye to eye and really listen to what is being said. Make a true connection to those in our lives. What a great gift to give with infinite rewards.


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