What's for Dinner Tonight?

I love to cook, and I live with an Italian man who loves to eat. Not sure if this is a great combination or a dangerous one. Guess it depends on what I am cooking. I do not cook fried foods and try to prepare healthy meals as much as possible, but I do love to bake. Nothing better than fresh baked goods if you love your sweets. Every day he will call me from work and say "here is the most important question of the day, what's for dinner tonight?" Of course I have already told him, but he forgets. Often I will be trying something new which makes him apprehensive, but most of the time he will be happy with the outcome. When we go out to eat and I like what I have ordered, I will analyze how it was prepared and what ingredients are in it. This way I can go home and try to replicate the recipe. When it comes to food and cooking I have no fear about diving in. Most of the time it is a success, and once I have figured it out I love to share the recipes. Havi...