Remaining Positive
I strive to keep a positive attitude in spite of the many things that can turn a day upside down. As I age it has become clearer that not to do so only creates negativity. The past 18 months have been quite a journey in my life with many good things, and some not so good. Both of which shape the person I am. I started my own business just over a year ago and it has been exciting and stressful at the same time. Exciting as I have come to know so many wonderful people who have been supportive and encouraging. I have learned much from their experiences which they have so generously shared. Stressful due to the monetary constraints of being self-employed. In the pursuit to build a successful business it has been necessary to use "reserve" funds, and we all know the reserve funds only last for so long. But I persevere knowing that I am on the right path for me, and that I can make a success of this endeavor. Nothing good ever comes easily. I have also lost loved ...