Passing of Time

Another year, sixty-nine years old, and although many things have changed, much remains the same. In my mind I feel the same as I did last year and the year before, but one look in the mirror and I can see the passing of time. I may not have necessarily become comfortable with it, but I do accept what I see.

Overall, I have a very good life. We have reached retirement and have been fortunate enough to experience an adventure or two. We have a comfortable home, wonderful children, and grandchildren who are well on their way to adulthood. I am fortunate in so many ways. However, we all know that no life is perfect, and there are always ups and downs.

The life we planned does not always end up being the hand we are dealt. What we saw as our future takes a complete 360 and we must adjust to what is. With time the unknown becomes more familiar, and we accept the life we are now living in. With a good sense of humor, we can enjoy whatever life brings our way, and be grateful for the memories we build.

The free time we thought we would have can be elusive and we long for even a few minutes to ourselves. Some days there is a numbness as I go through the motions of things that have to be done. My mind goes to the multitude of projects that need to be tackled and some are necessary, but the fun ones are what I long to do. I ask myself if I will ever have the time to accomplish any of them. There are many things I want to put in order to give to my children and grandchildren for them to remember all the good times.

Every year the time seems to pass by at a quicker pace than the year before. Spring turns to summer, then fall, and eventually winter rolls in. Along the way we share laughter and good times with family and friends. Precious memories that are like a ray of sunshine on the dark and dreary days, they lift our spirit and fill our soul with love.

So, as I enter my sixty-ninth year, it will be approached with optimism. I know that there will be many good times in the days ahead, and these will make the more trying days easier. We may never have everything we imagined in life, but I am very grateful for the wonderful life that I have been given. 


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