Dragging Us Back to the Dark Ages

 I originally wrote this blog in 2019, and at that time I never believed that we would be sitting where we are now in 2023. I am angry and appalled at the number of states that are severely restricting a woman's right to choose. I also never thought I would see our Supreme Court overturn Roe v Wade - something the last several Supreme Court nominees said was settled case law. So, they apparently lied in their confirmation hearings. How dare they sit in judgement and tell women what they can and cannot do? There is not a man in this group that would ever allow a woman to tell them what they can do with their bodies, and they have no right to do so to us. So, again I share my thoughts and hope that women will continue to fight against these old men trying to drag us back into the Dark Ages.

Women have been fighting for women's rights in our country since pre-settlement times when Iroquois women fought to gain power so they could nominate and depose council elders and chiefs. Women are not only still fighting inequality, but now must fear being dragged back to the Dark Ages.

From the 1600's through today it has been a hard-fought battle for all the rights women have. They have marched, protested and struggled to win the right to vote, for gender equality, for equal pay, to serve in public office, and so much more.

One of these rights, the right to choose and have control of our own bodies, is once again under attack and being taken away. Under attack by aging men stuck in the past who feel they have the right to tell women what they can and cannot do. Sadly, I admit there are women who are standing behind these men, and that I don't understand.

They claim it is because they are pro-life and every life matters; that they are thinking of the children. They say if a woman doesn't want to have the child, then it can be put up for adoption. They say if someone has an abortion it is murder. Those who want to take a woman's right to choose away from them have a lot to say.

For those who have decided they are "right" on this issue and should make the choice for all women, I have some questions:
  •  Where are you when it comes to the thousands of children who currently do not have a permanent home? If you are not willing to adopt the children who are already here, then will you be there for the others to come?
  •  Where are you when it comes to ensuring children have a good education? If you care so much about children, then you should be first in line to pay additional taxes to ensure our education system is one of the best in the world.
  •  Why do you feel that it is appropriate for a doctor who performs an abortion to get sentenced to 99 years, yet rapists and pedophiles end up paroled or released?
  •  Are you comfortable sending women back to the days of back-alley abortions that can end up in death? 
  •  If every life is precious, how do you justify being in favor of the death penalty?
I do not believe that being in favor of the right to choose has anything to do with being anti pro-life. Do you know anyone who would say they are against life? Pro-choice only means that you believe a woman should have the right to choose what is done to their bodies, just as men have that right. Nobody should be able to put laws into place that tell women they have no choice. 

If we sit back and allow this to happen, then we will be starting our decent down a slippery slope. One that will eventually take away the rights women have fought so long and hard to obtain. This is a battle that all women need to get behind; if they do not, they may just find themselves dragged back to the Dark Ages where they no longer have a voice at all.

Use your voice, fight against laws that suppress women's rights, get out and vote!


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