Taking a Chance on My Dream

 "If it were all truly known and planned and determined, life wouldn't be worth living, just a giant to-do list waiting to be crossed off." ~ Helen Mirren

Fear of the unknown is probably the biggest reason we don't take chances. How many opportunities have been put before us, and how many have we taken over the years? I'm sure that most of us would say that we let many pass us by due to fear of taking that chance. Not knowing if it will make our life better can leave us frozen and unable to move in a different direction than we have always gone.

There are so many times in our life that we zig instead of zag. The zig is the choice that keeps us on our current path; the zag is the alternative choice that would have led to a different outcome. The reward for taking the unfamiliar path might be well worth it.

I have always enjoyed taking photographs of nature and dreamt of one day sharing these with the world. Trying to find the right opportunity to do so is not easy, but with the help of a very dear friend I have taken a step that may make this dream a reality. Several of my photographs are now available in different formats on Fine Art America, and although I have the usual fears and apprehensions, I am hopeful that it will be the opportunity that I have been waiting for.

If a choice feels right and true to who we are, then we shouldn’t let the inner voices hold us back. Dive into the waters, take a leap of faith, and you may be surprised how well things turn out. It might be just the thing you were looking for to turn your life around.

The following link will take you to the website for my photographs, my leap of faith. Please share with your family and friends.


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