Staying Active and Alert

I recently read an article which stated that 62% of the adults in America are overweight or obese; 62%!! I found that to be an alarming figure. I'm sure it's not just Americans who are plagued with this unhealthy issue, but it tells us that it's time for a wake-up call. If we don't take steps to stay physically fit, there will come a time when we won't have the ability or stamina to move out of our chairs.

I'm not saying that everyone needs to be thin as a rail, but we do need to put the effort into being healthy. As we all know, if we drop too much weight in a short period of time, we will never maintain that weight loss. The best thing we can do is to modify our eating habits in terms of quantity of food, and by eating the "bad" foods on a limited basis. I know that I will never totally give up my chocolate or chips, but I can reduce how often I indulge.

Exercise is also key in keeping physically fit. We need to move every day to keep our muscles and bones strong to support our bodies. Even simple changes to start can make a big difference in how we feel. Once we get moving, it gets easier every day to do more. Walking is still the best exercise overall, and even beginning with a 15-minute walk will improve how we feel. Before long we will find ourselves walking for 30 minutes or more with ease.

The other piece that is vital to staying healthy is an alert and sharp mind. Whether it's reading, crossword puzzles, writing, jigsaw puzzles, or any hobby of interest to us, they all keep our mind alert. Keeping all the neurons connected and "zapping" is good for our mental health, which has a direct connection to our physical health. An idle mind can lead to boredom and depression, which will keep us from having the energy or desire to get up and move. The result of this will have a major impact on our physical well-being.

As they say, the first step is always the hardest. Once we make the effort to initiate changes in our eating habits and sedentary lifestyle, we will be amazed how quickly we see a difference in how we feel. Add to this a more active mind which will create a more positive outlook on life.

Healthy body and healthy mind make for a more enjoyable life with family and friends.


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