If I Close My Eyes

On one of those bright, sunny February days, my mind wanders to the spring season that will eventually arrive. The groundhog says that spring will arrive early this year; I am hopeful that he is correct in his prediction.

We all know that there will still be a few snow storms to contend with, but I have to believe the worst of winter is over. That belief is the one thing that will propel me to brighter, warmer days.

In the meantime, as I impatiently await its arrival, I will fill my mind of things to come. If I close my eyes and feel the warmth of the sun on my face, so many things seem real:
  • I can see the water opening up on the lake as the sun melts away the last bits of ice.
  • The snow that once covered the flower bed has disappeared and has been replaced with visions of spring seedlings popping up through the dirt.
  • If I close my eyes, I can see the birds that have returned, and hear them singing their beautiful songs. 
  • I can smell the fresh earth that has been enriched by the snow's nutrients; ready to be tilled for a garden.
  • Chipmunks who have been in hibernation have popped up from their beds and are once again scurrying around the yard.
  • Hummingbirds who left in the fall have returned and perform their frenzied dance once again in the backyard.
  • Sounds of children playing outside replacing the silence of winter days. 
All these things, and so much more, flow through my mind and seem so real. All wishful thinking, but with enough warmth, and an active imagination, it can become a reality for a few brief moments. These stolen moments to escape from winter's cold and snow can change the trajectory of our mood. The late winter blues that can drag us down are replaced with visions of spring and happier thoughts.

Although we have some time to go, the longer daylight hours remind us of what will be. It may not arrive as quickly as we might like, but it will arrive. All of a sudden, as if by magic, spring will be at our door. Until then I will close my eyes on the warm, sunny days, and enjoy the visions of "reality" in my mind.


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