Setting Realistic Expectations

The Thanksgiving holiday filled with family and great food has come and gone. We didn't even have time to step away from the table before the onslaught of Christmas commercials began. It would be nice if they would allow us a few days to savor the memories of Thanksgiving. It's not surprising that people start to feel stressed, or have negative thoughts about Christmas. Retailers and advertisers present us with images of what they perceive as the "perfect" Christmas. Unfortunately it's not a realistic view. Nobody should feel pressured to purchase what they can't afford. Your home can be beautifully decorated with a few simple things; it doesn't have to look like the pages in a magazine. Remember, those homes are professionally decorated with an unlimited budget. Giving gifts can bring us joy when we see the faces of our loved ones as they open them. Even though we don't want our children or grandchildren disappointed, we also have to be realisti...